Greyhound remembrance weekend July 21 UK

This message received from UK ActionForGreyHounds: 

GREYHOUND REMEMBRANCE WEEKEND – JULY 21st & 22nd In memory of all the dogs that have suffered and died because of the greyhound racing industry – Please try to take part in this important event.

Only a week to go, so order leaflets etc. now!

Greyhound racing in the UK began on July 24th 1926 at Belle Vue Stadium in Manchester.

Every year, on the nearest Saturday and Sunday to this date, we stage Greyhound Remembrance Weekend, in memory of the hundreds of thousands of dogs that have been abused and killed by the greyhound racing industry since that day. READ MORE HERE

Help the greyhounds – urgent please act now

From Lisa White – Friends of The Hound; 9 February 2011

I hope you feel the same as I do – that this is the perfect time to raise our collective voices and help greyhounds.  This opportunity has presented itself and I think we owe it to these dogs to try and change the situation for them.  We can at least raise further awareness, and prove there is a different way of thinking out there – an ethical one that doesn’t agree with money as a justification for animal wastage, we can show that there are mass objections to this ‘sport’ due to the negative consequences for the dogs, and keep putting pressure on this industry. READ MORE HERE

Greyhound Racing Ban in USA

Massachusetts voters embraced a ballot question to end greyhound racing in the state, rejecting track owners’ arguments that the ban would cost jobs at a time of economic hardship in favour of protecting dogs from harm. The ballot question proposed to phase out racing by 2010, leaving workers time to find alternative jobs.

The contentious ballot question was passed amid emotional ad campaigns by both sides. The Committee to Protect Dogs argued that racing dogs are treated inhumanely — kept in cages for most of the day and often injured when they are forced to run for sport. The campaign relied upon data kept by the State Racing Commission since mid-2002 showing injuries to more than 800 greyhounds.

“We’re optimistic that this will, in fact, be the year of the greyhound” said Christine Dorchak, the co-chair of the committee.

DRP: What do you know about the Greyhound racing industry? Do you know what happens to many of these lovely animals once their racing “careers” are over?

We’ll be featuring more news on this industry down the track, but if you have any inside information, please let us know.

Have you ever wondered what happens to Greyhounds?

snv32357Approximately 20,000 Greyhounds are bred for racing in Australia every year.  Unfortunately, thousands upon thousands of Greyhounds are destroyed each year for no other reason than they become surplus to racing industry requirements. Many Greyhounds are killed before they reach 2 years of age if they do not show enough speed or potential, or by age 3-4 when they are retired or no longer able to race due to injury. 

For Greyhounds, it literally is…..    THE QUICK,…. OR THE DEAD
Greyhounds are friendly, gentle dogs that love human companionship – they are sociable, tolerant and affectionate and make wonderful family pets and companions. 

Greyhounds find themselves at the mercy of this betting industry.  It is amazing to think that a breed of one of the world’s most favoured species of companion animal is exploited and destroyed in such vast numbers for this profit-driven “sport” and, incredibly, the sake of gambling. 

Please consider adopting a Greyhound. For more information contact:
Friends of the Hound Greyhound Adoption Group
(02) 6677 9115 / 0416 194 864

Message from Friends of the Hound Greyhound adoption Centre

“I would love to call on your help to assist with the Greyhound issue ie. approx. 22,000 bred each year for racing & it is estimated that around 15,000 are destroyed each year. Thousands upon thousands of beautiful healthy dogs killed for no other reason than they are surplus to racing industry requirements.”

Another terrible tragedy happening on our doorstep. These wonderful dogs do not even have to be registered, so who knows where they end up. Again legislation is letting these animals down.
This article is called ‘Hope on the Horizon for Greyhounds’ and tells you what’s happening in the UK, maybe we can get this sort of action happening here?